
What are birthing classes like? Were they helpful to you?

by  |  earlier

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lamaze, bradley, or a mix of different methods....what are the classes like? How are they set up? Is it usually the woman and her partner?

What did you think of them?




  1. I took a lamaze type of class. It was my husband and I, however some women had their sisters or mothers along if the husband was not there. There is a lot of information given in these classes so you get a good understanding of what is going to happen, and the options available to you. Everyone on the street will tell you her story. Some of these stories may be scary others not so much. I think it is a good idea to go.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

  3. I was in a 6 week prenatal class, it was once a week for 6 weeks.  I absolutely loved them!  I learned so much, and I went into the class being nervous about childbirth and labor and now I am not nervous at all.  They really boosted my confidence and taught me a lot about how to handle the pain.  I strongly recommend them as they can only help.  And yes you would go with another person, whether it is a friend, the child's father, or your partner.  You would go with the person who is going to be in the delivery room with you.

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