
What are black holes?

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What are black holes?




  1. black hole can be born by two scenarios either a star is collapsing *which is when hydrogen gass escapes form the core and the pressure keeping the black hole from collapsing into itslef* and or when a large mass of matter combines together to make a verry massive object and the collapses into itself

    what happens when you go into a black hole? i belive that if you go into a black whole you will travel throught time because light cannot excape it and you have to be traveling faster then the speed of light to escape the black hole which mean the object is going faster then the speed of ligth that it actually travels through time!!  

    and there is something called space time it shows how gravity is relative to how time reacts to it. if we were to create virtualdiagram of space time a black hole would go onto infinity which may prove my theory...

  2. Black holes are the incredibly gense remnants of the cores of massive stars which have collapsed following a supernova.  They are so dense that electrical and nuclear forces cannot stop their further gravitational collapse.  As a consequence, nothing, not even light, can escape from them.
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