
What are body languages that would suggest someone likes you?

by  |  earlier

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I am talking about women. I know eye contact, touching, playing with the hair,and smiling might suggest something, any others?




  1. Leaning in when speaking. Alan Pease has some good books. Have a look at the website:

  2. Lots of physical contact and almost agreeing to anything you're talking about.

  3. laughing at my not funny jokes

  4. the others d if you didnt first notice the eye contact and the smiling.... if you first had these ones, she would laugh when you said anythign remotely funny, say things that she believes would intice you, like that she wouldnt mind a boyfrined etc... she would get excited and share your interests... even make out she likes them more than she actually does.... body language..... hmmm, i dont know whats left.... if you entered her auric field (got very close to her) she would not react by taking a step back or looking away from you... she would be very comfortable with this or like it, and would probably smile and make eye contact when you did it.

  5. Your asking the right person! First of all, reading body language is never a fool-proof way to know if someone likes you. But assuming that person does consiencely or inconsiencely give signs of attraction here are some examples: notice the way she faces you with her body. If she faces you directly its generally a good sign. Also, notice the way her arms and legs are positioned. If she crossed her arms in front of her, it could mean she is not feeling secure with you. Same with the legs. Thats actually a very good indicator: if she is sitting and she has put a leg over the other be aware which one. If its the nearest one to you, its also a sign she is not open to you. Good luck mate!

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