
What are brass cooking pans used for and how to keep them clean?

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What are brass cooking pans used for and how to keep them clean?




  1. Dude, you don't know your metals very well, do you? It's probably copper!

    It's probably not solid gold.

    They are used for . . . are you ready for this? . . . for COOKING and sauteing. They're used for just about everything.

    Soap and water, strangely enough. Copper polish helps but you can also use salt and vinegar or even ketchup to shine 'em up.

    Think I'm kidding? Just try it!


  2. they are made of copper.

    Copper is an excellent conductor of heat. This is why pans where made with copper.

    Pans made today have the benefit of better metals and technology that made the use of copper no longer neccesary.

    Most pans that are made with copper are for show. ''However they are great for making omlettes and sauting.

    You can purchase cleaners for copper in the cleaning section of the local grocery store.

    Chef robert author of Chef Robert Presents Romantic Dinners for Two

  3. I don’t know what kind of food can be cooked in brass pan but I heard best way to wash them sock tamarind in water and then wash brass with that water. this way is natural and non comical way with a good result.

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