
What are call center jobs like?

by  |  earlier

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I'm applying for a few management positions at call centers and I really know nothing about how they operate....?




  1. If you don't mind cubicles or large rooms without walls, they are great.

  2. Currently typing this message from a call center.

    However, the call center I work in is currently in its infancy. I work in a small, up-and-coming "media industry" company, with 10 small workspaces for the call center representatives. I work 40 hr a week, and I don't do sales. I have the title of Customer Service Representative, and I basically answer customer inquiries all day. They have a question, I answer it.

    Now I doubt that you will be doing anything like that, but as far as managerial work, you will oversee the call center and will most likely have to talk to those who have "escalated" calls, which means calls where the caller says, "Can I talk to a supervisor?"

    I'm 18, and this is my first job. Repetitive work? Yes. Carpal tunnel syndrome? Yes. Irate caller? Definitely. But the experience that you get dealing with people pays in the long term.

    You may also be wondering how I am typing this message. Well, that's another thing. There are 2 kinds of calls: inbound and outgoing. Inbound calls are calls that come in (a revelation, I know). Outgoing calls (mainly in call center that perform sales and telemarketing) are calls where the representatives calls the people and potential customers. I answer mainly inbound calls, and right now I have not had a call in almost 1 1/2 hours. I average in 10 hour days over 100 inbound calls and 15-30 outbound calls per workday (4 days a week).

    I remember seeing a book at a local Barnes and Nobles called Call Center Management for Dummies, I think. Maybe you want to check it out yourself.

    I hope I have been of some help, thank you for calling, have a good day.

  3. personally i hate 'em!!!

  4. Yo better do the sales first on the floor or you will be hated. ive done nothing but sales center and you better d**n welll know what is like in the treches first or you will be faced with a lot of centers can be great or Brutal/ i worked for Microwarehose and was the best...tried cdw and was merely ok at first got better after the take over. telephone companies are the worst and cut throat

  5. well i dont know what a call center job is

    sooo just go get some ice cream

    because it make's people happy! =)

  6. The ones I worked in were high volume, high stress environments. They are also high turnover.  You'd always be busy.  If you are great under pressure this is a job you might enjoy.  I was just a person on the phones, so I can only give you a second hand assessment based on what I saw our managers going through.  They seemed to be constantly pulled to meetings, called upon to resolve problems from customers who hadn’t gotten a satisfactory answer from the Rep, and filling in for people who called in sick or hiring temps fill in.  I can honestly say, the busiest bosses I’ve ever seen were those in the call centers.  I hope this vague info will help you…lol, sorry I don’t have any specifics, as I’ve not had the job you are after.

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