
What are canadian schools like?

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I'm just starting school in B.C after the summer and i have no idea what I'm in for, schools in scotland are totally different like we were school uniform, and here you dont. What are the main difference in Grade 11???




  1. it depends where you're going.

    some places in BC there's middle school, and in other areas its just elementary then high school.

    i don't know what school in scotland is like, so i'll just tell you about the school here.

    only private schools need uniforms. some schools have midterms, and some dont. all schools have finals and provincials (in gr 11 there's one provincial - social studies). school starts at around 8:30am and ends at around 3:15pm (well that's how it is for my school)

    there are 8 courses in high school on schedule (meaning you take the courses at school) but you can take a couple more courses online, and some offer it after school.

    it would help if you mentioned which area in BC you're coming to, but i think that's roughly enough details about high school. i'm from vancouver. if you wanna know more, feel free to email me.

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