
What are cancer men like in relationships?

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Are they flirts? Are they trustworthy?? Are they faithful?




  1. You will be greatly disappointed if you base your decisions on astrology.

  2. Cancer men don't really flirt, and if they seem like they are, they really aren't, its just them being nice and compassionate. They're very trustworthy,  ex. tell them not to tell anyone a secret, and they wont. Lastly, they're the most faithful men of the zodiac. Cheating, lying, betraying? Not in their nature. The only bad thing I can think of is their tendency to keep in their emotions and then have them all overflow at one point or another

  3. They are definitely faithful. They are not into little flings. They are kinda sensitive, so they take relationships seriously cause they don't wanna be hurt. And they wouldn't dream of hurting you. They are definitely to be trusted.

  4. Cancer men likes a person who can carry conversations with him. He is subject to mood swings and sometimes, needs a little help when he gets those down moods. He is very intuitive and can sense  your true feelings so a person has to be real, not pretentious. He likes social things, but not in excess, get his approval first before you commit.

    Don't get careless about your personal appearance because he appreciates beauty. There are certain things or beliefs that he holds more dear than others, don't tread on them. One final note, they are bossy so do not try to dominate him, use diplomatic persuasion.

    As a lover, Cancer seeks security and fidelity and may have a little flirt once in a while. But, cancer can be deeply wounded if his trust is betrayed. He is protective, even possessive and can be a jealous lover, though more from insecurity than simple desire to dominate.

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