
What are causing ice caps to melt?

by Guest11041  |  earlier

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what is this doing to the polar bears , and other animals.




  1. Global warming.

  2. Global warming is causing the melting of the ice caps.  It is reducing the habitat of the polar bears and melti the ice floes that the bears are used to being there, so that when the bears swim out to the spot, the ice floe is no longer there and the bears are drowning.

    Aside from the polar bears, the melting of the ice caps is diluting the Gulf Stream which carries warmth to the U.S. and western Europe.  When the Gulf Stream stops circulating, we can expect much of these areas become too cold to live or grow crops.  What do you think the chances of Mexico letting us move there will be, considering the building of the new "Berlin Wall" at the US/Mexico border and our treatment of illegal immigrants from Mexico?

    I know I answered a lot more than you asked, but I just had to say it

  3. Normal variances in the earth temp, Also parts of them are shrink other parts are growing larger I'm sure most people will say global warming but if you do some research on the matter you'll find that global warming is a falsity. Search google for global warming debunked and read some articals and stats from the other side of the debate.

  4. it's all them dagon penguin peein' on the ice!

  5. cause the ozone layer is so fuked up that ultraviolet rays are passing trough there and they are so powerful they can melt the ice kinda fast....

  6. There's no definitive answer, some theorize that it's global warming other speculate it's something else.  There's no actual 100% answer.

    We do know that things are heating up, once ice comes in contact with heat it tends to melt.

  7. heat+ice=water

    so im gonna say heat

  8. when the heat from the sun enters the earth atmosphere it reflects off the earth and should be going back out of the earths atmospere but because we are burning fossil fuels this makes the lining of the atmospere thicker. this then makes the heat to be trapt, making it harder for it to escape. with this heat trapped. This then melts the ice caps.

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