
What are cells made of?

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Are cells made of ordinary atoms?. If so, how is it that atoms (which have no life) can be turned into living organisms o_O?




  1. Everything is made of atoms -_-

  2. a cell is a small unit of cell organells.

  3. Cells are made out of organelles not atoms. Organelles are things like nucleus,endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum,mitochondria etc...

    Atoms are part of molecules found in elements such as copper,zinc,sodium etc...

    Now cells have these molecules that contain atoms in them, but atoms do not make cells by them self. they are only part of it.

    I can be partially wrong because it's been a while,but basically I'm right.

  4. cells are made of organelles like mitichondria ,nucleus , golgi complex which are made up of carbohydrates, proteins and fat molecules which are made up of small atoms and energy is provided to them through ATP to work

  5. cells are made up of organelles(e.g., ribosomes, mitochondria, etc.) and i believe (an as far as i have known) only elements and minerals are made up of atoms and molecules. atoms are present in elements which we uses(intake) everyday to supports our health.

  6. cells are made up of organelles(mitochondria, chloroplast[plants only], ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum etc). Atoms are the make up of everything. So here is a build-up chart: organelles->cell->organ->systems(ie-dige... hope that helps in any way

  7. cell

    cell, in biology, the unit of structure and function of which all plants and animals are composed. The cell is the smallest unit in the living organism that is capable of integrating the essential life processes. There are many unicellular organisms, e.g., bacteria and protozoans, in which the single cell performs all life functions. In higher organisms, a division of labor has evolved in which groups of cells have differentiated into specialized tissues, which in turn are grouped into organs and organ systems.

    Cells can be separated into two major groups—prokaryotes, cells whose DNA is not segregated within a well-defined nucleus surrounded by a membranous nuclear envelope, and eukaryotes, those with a membrane-enveloped nucleus. The bacteria (kingdom Monera) are prokaryotes. They are smaller in size and simpler in internal structure than eukaryotes and are believed to have evolved much earlier (see evolution). All organisms other than bacteria consists of one or more eukaryotic cells.

    All cells share a number of common properties; they store information in genes made of DNA (see nucleic acid); they use proteins as their main structural material; they synthesize proteins in the cell's ribosomes using the information encoded in the DNA and mobilized by means of RNA; they use adenosine triphosphate as the means of transferring energy for the cell's internal processes; and they are enclosed by a cell membrane, composed of proteins and a double layer of lipid molecules, that controls the flow of materials into and out of the cell.

    Cell Structure

    In the nucleus the DNA, along with certain proteins, is arranged in long, thin threads called chromatin fibers that coil into bodies called chromosomes during meiosis. The nucleus also contains one or more nucleoli (sing., nucleolus) that participate in the production on the RNA of ribosomes. The portion of the cell outside the nucleus, called the cytoplasm, contains several additional cell structures (often called organelles). Among the important organelles that may be present are the ribosomes; the endoplasmic reticulum, a highly convoluted system of membranes believed to be continuous with the nuclear envelope and responsible for transporting certain newly made proteins; the mitochondria, which extract energy by breaking down the chemical bonds in molecules of complex nutrients during respiration; the chloroplasts, which are present only in green plants and convert energy from sunlight by the process of photosynthesis; lysosomes, which contain digestive enzymes; peroxisomes, which contain a number of specialized enzymes; the centrosomes, which function during cell division; the Golgi apparatus, which functions in the synthesis, storage, and secretion of various cellular products; filaments and microtubules that form a sort of skeletal system and also participate in movement of cells and organelles; vacuoles containing food in various stages of digestion (see endocytosis); and inert granules and crystals. In plant cells there is, in addition to the cell membrane, a thickened cell wall, usually composed chiefly of cellulose secreted by the cell.

  8. the main part of the cell is the nucleus which controls everything. Around the nucleus are the organelles which are in a jellylike substance called the cytoplasm. There are many organelles such as the mitochondria, which supplys the cell with energy, the lysosome, which digests worn out organelles, the vacuole, which stores waste, and many other organelles. There are two main types of cells;  eukaryotic and prokaryotic, these cells each have different characteristics , such as that prokaryotic cells lack a nucleur membrane and cell nucleus. Basically, the cell can be though of as being a human body, with many different functions and organs.

    Hope I helped!

  9. All matter is made of atoms.  Living or not.

    Think that's hard to imagine?  How about this:  All the cells in your body and the individual parts to them are made of Carbon molecules on the basic level, the exact same substance that diamonds and coal are made of.  Which, in turn, is made of atoms.

    On the very basic level, there isn't much difference between your cells and the matter that comprises the sun; it's all a big mass of electrons, protons, neutrons, and a few other little particles floating around in organized globs in the giant vacuum that is the cosmos.

    Kind of budding off the previous poster:

    cosmic strings < quarks/leptons < subatomic particles < atoms < molecules < organelles < cells < tissues < and so forth, until you reach the largest objects in the known universe, superclusters, massive groups of galaxies stretching across the cosmos.  The biggest of which is the Sloan Great Wall, a massive "wall" of galaxies 1.37 billion light years in length and located 1 Billion light years from earth.

    Funky, innit?

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