
What are characteristics on people that let your "BASIC INSTINCTS" know to stay away from them?

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Example, what kind of personalities, styles, features, etc...WHATEVER!




  1. A bad attitude, putting others down, no sense of humor and some things that I pick up on pretty quickly.  Sometimes its just a look in the eyes that can tell you someone is not someone you want to be around.  I have problems with people who are very judgmental or have no empathy for others.

  2. When someone is too nice or says "You can tell me anything, if you need a big brother or a big sister" Ithat means they just want your juicy secrets, so they can act two-faced).  When someone sounds too good to be true.  

    The reason why I feel this way is b/c my mom is one of these people, but layers of fakeness and selfishness sadly lurk beneath.  Anyone that is too nice reminds me of my mom, because I know how people like that work....I've spent years observing how my mom is nice to people's faces, yet comes home and is something else .

    Also, if you have some weird feeling in your stomach when you're talking to someone...That's a big red flag!

    I was talking to this guy, who seemed pretty nice, but I had this nervous and rumbling feeling in my tummy.  I later found out that he lied and was saying some not very nice things about me behind my back.

  3. I can spot a liar a mile away and when I know someone lies to me that is good time for me to say adios. Also when people boast about how drunk or stoned they get.That tells me they are reckless and

    immature and I am out of there.I don't like being around people who

    dress cheap and flashy. I don't mean that they have to have really expensive clothes I mean clothes that make them look like hookers or pimps. Again I know right away that these are not people I want to be around.

  4. personality- shady smoker types

    styles- anything in the music scene with drug culture

    features- anything that is a drug physical side effect.

  5. when you hear one say, "I'm a good guy" or "you can trust me"  sometimes people who seem anxious to help make me feel uncertain about them too. people who are quick to accept you "in" or say you're  family.  people who gossip.  

  6. it's just a gut feeling...kinda thing there is no styles features etc...

    Unlike the movies...bad guys/girls dont all look evil....or come with freaky music (that would be cool, real life needs a sound track)

  7. As sociable as I can be, I always avoid women who are rude and presumptuous.  Once I start hearing them constantly go on about men always doing something wrong, e.g. hitting on them (bragging I may add), I know to avoid them at all costs.  Or if a woman notes she has to get what she can, using what she's got, that is another red flag.

    As to what kind of "look", if she is too young for me, under 43, that is another no-no.

    As for men, the loud, hip-hop, gangster, macho , hoodlum types are scum in my book.

  8. If someone is really smooth and seems too good to be true, they usually are.

  9. Open sores.

  10. Your gut instinct is a very important tool. The way you were raised and your values condition you to avoid pain, embarrassment, danger, discomfort.

  11. Weak sense of humour, inability to laugh at onself, lack of humilty, poor judgement, need for affirmation from others, indication of an underlying thought disorder, neediness for constant attention as a method to validate oneself, that sort of thing.

    And any perineal lesion that may pose a public health hazard.

  12. It's just a feeling you get.

  13. Hmmm, familiar question. :)

    For me, it's that gut feeling. You look at them and something goes off in your mind that something isn't right. And then your gut kind of hurts, almost like a quick stomach-ache.

    It could be the way they are looking at me, or their approach. I can't really pinpoint one aspect of a creepy person - you just get that shudder of "somethings wrong here".

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