
What are chemtrails?

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What are chemtrails?




  1. "Chemtrails" are the residual trails left behind by mind-altering chemicals that certain conspiracy theorists believe are sprayed over the hapless citizens of the world by the government via crop-duster like planes.

    If you look up into the sky over any urban area, you will actually see dozens of these faint, ghostly trails.

    However, they are quite benign. They are, in fact, a variety of cloud left over when the low pressure and turbulent flow at a plane's wing tips cause water vapor to condense out of the air.

  2. Unsubstantiated rumors by conspiracy theorists, who claim that the government has high flying aircraft dump (pick one): toxic chemicals (to get rid of them); radio-active residue (ditto); mind altering drugs (probably so that people would vote for Bush?).

    It is all complete nonsense.

  3. Chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that the trails seen behind some aircraft are not ordinary contrails, but are the result of high-altitude spraying of some kind of chemicals for a purpose unknown to the general public.
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