
What are chromosomes, cromatin and nucleosomes?

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I assume chromosomes are how genes are organized normally, nucleosomes are a condensed form before cell division and chromatin is a form before protein synthesis?

I was reading a biology book in English and its not my primary language. I'm just a little confused, don't require really complex explanations just enough to clear up these doubts on the organization of DNA.




  1. i m going to explain u in simple  language

    (1)chromatin--it is thread like structure dispersed throughout the  nucleus. It contains genetic material DNA combined with protein  At the time of cell division  chromatin condenses  to form chromosomes (eg. 46 in each nucleus of each cell of man).

    (2)chromosome --they are comparatively visible. It itself or its any small part  act as hereditery  unit , called gene

    (3)necleosomes--itis the packing unit of long DNA molecule with help of histone into small fibres, often growing chromatin beads on strong appearance

  2. i know that everybody has 46 chromosomes in there body as they get 23 from each parent. They also pair up to make 23 pairs. Also i believe that they are similar to an x shape.

    From what i recall also is that they are not DNA but they are like the instructions for the body as they tell the body how to build itself.

  3. Well, I'm sorry to say, but I didn't learn anything at all worth c**p in biology. My teacher is a little r****d.

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