
What are clowds.... ?

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big fluffy illusions? with floating water? *raises eyebrow* (i dont understand clouds)




  1. Nice question!

    There are four major cloud groups:

    One. High Clouds. Made almost entirely of ice crystals. Three types of High Cloubs. 1. Cirrus -- thin feather-llke crystal clouds in patches of narrow bands. The large ice crystals that often trail downward in well-defined wisps are called "mares' tails."2. Cirrustratus. This is a thin, white cloud layer that resembles a veil or sheet.  3. Cirrocumulus. Tin clouds that look like small white flakes or cotton patches and may contain super-cooled water.

    Another cloud group is Middle Clouds. Made up primarily of water. Two types: 1. Altostratus. Bluish or grayish veil or layer of clouds. 2. Altocumulus. White or gray layer or patches of solid clouds.

    Another major cloud groups is Low Clouds. Composed almost entirely of water that may at times be super-cooled; at subfreezing temperatures, shnow and ice crystals may be present as well. Three types: 1: Stratus. Gray uniform sheet-like clouds. 2) Stratocumulus globular rounded masses. 3) Nimbostratus. Gray or dark massive shapeless cloud layer.

    The last major cloud group is Clouds with Vertical Development. Contain super-cooled water above the freezing level and grow to great heights. Two types. 1. Cumulus: detached fair weather clouds with relatively flat bases and dome-shaped tops. and 2) Cumulonimbus. Unstable large vertical clouds with dense tops that bring showers, hail, thunder and lightening.

    Clouds form this way: As warm air rises into the atmosphere through convection currents, the air expands as it experiences less atmospheric pressure. During the expansion, the warm water vapor quickly cools and condenses, forming water droplets in the air.  When the droplets begin to accumulate, they attach themselves to other particles in the air and form CLOUDS!

    Hope this helps. Best fun: lying on your back on grass just staring up at clouds. .

  2. water vapor(water in the gas state)
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