
What are clues boys give when they like you?

by  |  earlier

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Whether they know you or don't,

just if they think your cute or actually like you.

What do they do

and how do u know?




  1. for me, when i like a girl, the clues i will give her are:

    when i like a girl i would talk to her differently from all the rest...

    i would smile differently whenever i see her a smirk, or i would nod at her... i don't usually nod at people and smile for that manner...

    i would try and look at her, scan her from head to toe when she's not looking...

    i would always tease her when we're out having fun too...i would tease her of her unique features....i'll make fun of her looks, but the teasing is actually a hidden compliment to her...

    i would listen to her more intently and actually remember her words when she is speaking to me (i'm not like that with others,yousee.LOL)

    i would also go out of my way to invite her to a party or just to the movies, just to chill out with her, maybe grab a latte afterwards and have an interesting conversation...

    and while walking i would suddenly hold her hand...then after 10 seconds let it go...

    i would also be interested in the things she is interested. i would give her hobbies a try....for example, if she's into cooking, i would take her to a cooking workshop, and we can learn to cook together. if she's into dancing, in which i'm not, then i'll have to suck it in and risk looking like a fool and try to dance with my two left feet...

    i would also invite her to MY hobbies, just ot see if she's also in to me...i would invite her to the beach, go swimming,windsurfing, or billiards, or bowling...

    during summer break i would take her to a theme park.

    i would listen to her if she ever shares something intimate with me...

    i would also take time to get to know her friends, her family and the people that is important to her...and vice versa as i would introduce her to my friends and family eventually....

  2. Well if a boy thinks your cute he will...


    -Look in your eyes while talking

    -Say hi when your walking past you and wave

    -If he gts nervous talking to you

    -If he looks at the ground while its just you 2

    and ect...

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