
What are consequences if I decide to break my teaching contract?

by Guest55798  |  earlier

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I just signed my teaching contract a few weeks ago but because of personal and family issues I may have to back out of my contract. I am suppose to start in 3 weeks. What are consequences if I decide to break my teaching contract?




  1. The consequences are probably listed on the contract or employment section on the district or state website.  I know in my state a 30-day notice is required or they reserve the right to yank your license for five years.

  2. suspension of your credential for the length of the contract.

    Most districts are lenient if the reason is explained as soon as possible - but if you wait untill they have no chance of hiring anyone else, they will not feel like helping you out.

    Tell them now.

  3. Nothing really since you are doing it before the school year starts but when the time comes to reapply you could be black balled.  

  4. let the admin know the situation ASAP so they can hire someone else. It is the considerate thing to do.

    each state is different, so I would post this question on in the chatboard section for your state.

  5. You should explain to your employers the reasons...and perhaps there will be no consequences...

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