
What are cool chemical reaction practical tasks?

by  |  earlier

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besides adding vinegar and bicarb soda. fun tasks for a science class




  1. it's pretty standard but adding sodium to water and watching it catch on fire is pretty good, or putting jelly babies in pottassium chlorate which is an oxidiser. It's pretty cool.

  2. try this

  3. hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodide (catalyst) and detergent, with food colouring if you want

    put in either a big measuring cylinder or a conical flask for best effects.

    put a source as a good procedure to follow. it's commonly called "elephants toothpaste"

  4. get a hold of a chunk of sodium (not salt) and just add water.

    not too much though. maybe take like a portion the size of half your thumb, add water to it and it will spark. a big enough piece with enough water will basically explode. it looks really cool and is safe to perform on a small scale. research it first though.

    obtain different gases, helium, hydrogen, argon, etc. and fill balloons with the different gasess and watch them either float or sink because of the different weights of the air.

    corn starch and water. mix the two together and put it in a bowl or pan. add too much water and it will be too runny, not enough and it will be too thick/powdery. the point is that when you "pick-up" the mixture, and keep it moving in your hands it will stay solid but as soon as you stop it's movement it will turn to a liquid and slip through your fingers.

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