
What are counters ? Yugioh ?

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i have a card called Fog Control here is a picture but it says place 3 Fog counters on 1 monster but i do not know what it means bye counter i need a full definition of what it dose i need to know ever thing about the game before i enter my first contest and thanks for posting!!!! @(><)@




  1. it&#039;s like stored energy then later on you can use a card&#039;s efekt to use up the counter in order to use a spesific card efekt thair imagenary things that sybelis stored energy thair are also 5 types of counters;

    1 &quot;fog counters&quot; counters that only couden monsters can use but thair placed on the oponent&#039;s monsters,

    2 &quot;venem counters&quot; same as fog counters but they only work with venem monsters

    3 &quot;A-counters&quot; same as the other 2 but only works with alian monsters

    4 &quot;counters&quot; only works with the monster that makes the counter

    5 &quot;spell counter&quot; it works with all the monsters on both sides of the field

    i hope it was helpful!! ^_^

  2. Counters basically are nothing , although they may be needed for other cards effect , just make sure you keep track of the number of counters on each card , this can be done by putting a dice on the cards. you can then use the fog counters for other cards like

  3. a counter is when your opponet plays a trap or spell than you can set of your card as a response

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