
What are crying spells?

by Guest56379  |  earlier

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What are crying spells?




  1. Crying spells are periods of time when a person cannot hold back tears. This can be either due to depression, joy, hysteria, or it can even occur for no good reason. Crying spells cannot be helped, and can either be long and drawn out, or short and very intense. They usually just happen due to building frustration and then it begins when something really minor happens, and suddenly you crack.

  2. periods of time when you cant hold back your tears

  3. Just what they sound like; they are moments when you just burst into tears and have a hard time stopping.  They can last for a while, or can be short and intense.

  4. When someone cries over something very minor.  Something someone in their right mind would blow off, like a plate breaking.  Someone having a crying spell would have a crying fit with no good reason.

  5. They are sudden, intense feelings of emotion where somebody just starts crying and they can't help it.

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