
What are currently the hottest restaurants/clubs/lounges to visit in NYC?

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I am a Jersey boy my whole life but moved out to CA about three years ago and, as a result, I've lost my NYC connections. I am now coming back to visit with friends who have never been there and I want to show them the hottest and coolest clubs/lounges in town....restaurants too. Input is appreciated!




  1. 230 Fifth, High Bar and Empire Hotel for rooftop bars

    Also see Asia de Cuba.  

  2. Mesa Grill on 102 5th Ave which is Bobby Flay's restaurant. It has an awesome menu, great variety and really versatile recipes

  3. Welcome back to NYC.

    I would recommend you "Frederick's" - An Asian -Italian kind of restaurant located on 8 West 58th Street. Here the food and drink is phenomenal, the staff is friendly & gorgeous , and the crowd is always top notch.

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