
What are dental shots like compared to shots in your arms?

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......just wonderin what they feel like




  1. You cannot feel them with a good dentist.

  2. It depends which tooth the dentist is going to work on. If they're going to work on a bottom tooth, the shot doesn't normally hurt because your gums are looser where they inject the anesthetic. If it's a top tooth, especially towards the front of your mouth, it may be a little painful because your gums are a little tighter in the injection area. It's really not a terrible pain though, either way. They are injecting a numbing solution, so really, after the initial prick, you go numb anyway. I personally would rather have a shot in my mouth than in my arm.

  3. Basically the same except they put a numbing gel on your gums first.

  4. its like stink, if injected rapidly or the solution was cold, u may feel, a sharp lancinating pain, slow injection, topical anesthesia may prevent it

  5. Err...

    If you mean the painkillers for the dentist to...I dunno...perhaps pull a tooth out...

    Then the dentist will get a syringe full of the painkiller and inject it where your tooth and gum meet.

    So that means if you have your mouth open, with your thumb and index finger, hold onto a molar. After that, slide your two fingers down to where your gum and tooth meet.

    That is where the dentists inject the painkiller.

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