
What are different environmental disasters caused by human activities?

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What are different environmental disasters caused by human activities?




  1. i dont think animals use plastics or polute the environment, so we humans are the main contributors of pollution.

  2. The nuclear accident of Chernoville, Ukraine, represents a disaster environmental caused by human activities.

    An environmental disaster is a disaster that is due to human activity and should not be confused with natural disasters. In this case, the impact of humans' alteration of the ecosystem has led to widespread and/or long-lasting consequences. It can include the deaths of animals (including humans) and plant systems, or severe disruption of human life, possibly requiring migration.

    #Industrial and agricultural disasters

    Extinction of American megafauna

    Extinction of Australian megafauna

    Salinization of the Fertile Crescent

    Deforestation of Easter Island

    The Dust Bowl in the United States (1934-1939)

    Mercury poisoning in Minamata, Japan - see Minamata disease (1950s & 1960s)

    Itai-itai disease, due to cadmium poisoning in Japan

    Love Canal Toxic waste site (activism in 78 ...)

    Bhopal disaster (1984)

    Sandoz chemical spill into the Rhine river (1986)

    The severe damage to the Ok Tedi River system in Papua New Guinea by mining operations

    Destruction of the old growth forests

    Exxon Valdez oil spill (1989)

    EPA Superfund sites in the United States

    AZF Explosion at a Toulouse chemical factory (2001)

    2005 Jilin chemical plant explosions

    The Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens sites in the city of Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, known as the largest toxic waste site in North America.

    Release of Lead dust into Esperance Harbour.

    Release of cyanide, heavy metals and acid into the Alamosa River, Colorado from the Summitville mine, causing the death of all marine life within a 17 mile radius.

    Release of 20,000 gallons of lethal chemicals (metam sodium, tradename Vapam) into the Upper Sacramento River near Dunsmuir, causing the death of all marine life within a 38 mile radius.

    #Nuclear disasters

    See List of civilian nuclear accidents

    See List of military nuclear accidents

    See List of civilian radiation accidents

    #Nuclear warfare

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    # Oil spills

    See: List of oil spills

    #Ozone depletion in the Earth's stratosphere (ozone layer)

    See: Ozone depletion

  3. It would be easier to answer what disasters aren't caused by humans. We have had a huge impact on the destruction of this planet.

  4. The worst ones are probably what no one will discuss.

    I can tell you that all the chemicals which come through our bodies, go through waste-water treatment, then remain, are affecting water life, and we will know all of the damage in a few years.

    Then, there is all of the landfills which were swept away into the Gulf during Katrina, and I wonder about the spent fuel rods of the nuclear plant in the Gulf of Mexico during Katrina and Rita.

    Oh yeah, consider the bees who have been killed out, the bat populations which are waning, and the hummingbirds that are becoming more rare. When we have no natural pollinators, we will really know the damage.

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