
What are different measures of Central Tendency ? Why are they defined as diff. measures of Central Tendency?

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This question is related to the subject statistics........

the three measures of central tendency as per my knowledge are mean mode median.




  1. Because they are calculated differently. They measure different things. The mean is the arithmetic average. The median is the middle value in the distribution. The mode is the most frequently occurring value in the distribution. They can be identical in a perfectly normal distribution or they can be far apart.

  2. Yes, they are the mean, mode and median.....why are they called measures of central tendency, because they give you an idea of where the average, or typical score falls....if the 3 measures are equal then you have a normal distribution....the "bell shaped curve"......each measure is used depending on the distribution....if the sample is skewed, extreme hi/low scores the mean will be affected....will not give an accurate picture, so use the median or mode.   Mode is the most frequently occurring score, median (50% of the scores fall below this number, 50% above).  (college psych prof)

  3. 3 identical samples would not equal to be a bell shaped curve...graph 1, 1, and 1 and tell me that looks like a bell!  But, more likely, if you have different samples and the mean, median and mode are equal, the distribution would approximate a bell shape.

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