
What are dimensions? ?

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what are dimensions?

are they like portals that take you to another time in the world?

or like are they portals that take you to other worlds?

i really dont get it..




  1. dimensions are just geometry. Think of a circle and then think about how you can divide the circumference of the circle in to equal parts. Then you can build geometry which is simple. These are dimensions.

    If you look at the planet, Earth, from the outside, and you approach it from a distance, what is happening? You are seeing the earth getting bigger and bigger. This is an example of 'dimensions'. 3D for this one.

    Also, you can equate dimensions  to frequency. More complex dimensions are more complex in frequency.

    Read up on it and don't be afraid to read about sci-fi stuff, because the ideas are VERY GOOD and beyond the mainstream 'boring' attempts in educating us.

  2. up, down, left, right, forward, backward, the flow of time, unbridled consciousness stripped of all of it's perceptual anchorings... stuff like that.

  3. If you mean physics definition of dimensions it can be thought of as the minimum number of directions you need to decribe the motion you see.

    We need three dimensions because there is no component of up-down that can be described by right-left or back-forth. We need the latter two to fully describe all the motion in three dimensions.

    In mathematics these are called orthogonal dimensions - the angle between them is 90 degrees, and mathematically there is no one mutually orthogonal dimension that can be described (be a sum of) other orthogonal dimensions.

    There is no way to describe the x-axis by the y-axis or z-axis. We need all three axis to describe the motion in three directions - or dimensions.

    In scifi, people extend this concept that there may be a spatial direction that is orthogonal to all our three dimension. A direction that cannot be described by any of our current directions. Here the author invent a "portal" to enter that dimension and move the story.  But it is simply a device to explain something fantastical and has little to do with dimensions as used by science.
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