
What are dreams for?

by Guest56181  |  earlier

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How much do you think dreams affect us...what do you think they mean?




  1. I think they affect us a lot even if we don't spend a lot of time dwelling on them. If i had a dream that seemed to have a dominant theme of corn on the cob, and then through out my day kept seeing corn on the cob i might try to think of some connection or meaning. I think a lot of people do that. It's kinda weird when you think of something in an unconscious state and then you notice something that could relate to it when you're conscious.  I think it's possible that God can talk to us through dreams, but that's totally different. A person who God talked to in a dream, when waking, would definitely for sure know it was God. Just like in the Bible and when He talks to us in other ways.  I had a dream a couple nights ago about an enormous swan living on my cousins dresser in her room. I'm pretty sure my imagination was just playing tricks on me.

  2. They are not for anything, they are byproduct of our subconscious and conscious trying to reconcile their differences. They do affect us by the way of bringing some repressed data into our conscious for processing. They mean that our brains work.
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