
What are duplicated signs and what duplicated signs do i have?

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my intercepted signs are aquarius (in 1st house) and leo (in 7th house). i know these mean the difficulties in one person. since i have intercepted signs then i must have duplicated signs too, what are they in my chart? what do they mean?

my chart:




  1. Your duplicated signs are Gemini (5th and 6th house cusps) and Sagittarius (11th and 12th house cusps).

    Gemini on the 5th lends to an interest in intellectual partners and leisurely activities. These people like mentally stimulating games like chess and are interested in the mental development of children. Often children are of an intellectual type and quite witty. Artistic ability may manifest as an interest in photographic media.

    Gemini on the 6th lends to a person who is intellectually interested in their work. They make sure the skills they have for their jobs are up to date and pay special attention to their health, observing strict dietary and hygienic habits. They are often able to come up with creative ideas of how to improve their work environment.

    Sagittarius on the 11th lends to friends who are often laid back, easy-going types interested in mystical or religious subjects. Friends are kind and generous and this person reciprocates this. Sometimes the friends are too eccentric,radical or  they may be adventurers or people deeply interested in social activities. Usually a lot of time is spent in conversation with them.

    Sagittarius on the 12th lends to a deeply philosophical nature. These people are kind to those in need and probably involve themselves in a lot of charity work. They are sympathetic to their fellow man and naturally kind-hearted.

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