
What are easy and exotic/ colorful beginner fishes? i have a fresh water tank.

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All i have is 3 fish and there called feeder fish you know 20 for a dollar fish.




  1. i am guessing you have guppies or goldfish

    if there guppies you need a 6 gallon tank for 3

    if there goldfish they need 70 gallons for 3

    if you have goldfish there is nothing that can safely be kept with them

    if you have guppies and your tank is big enough get

    some tetras

    some danios

    a pleco


    do reaserch on these before you get them

  2. Well most likely they are goldfish and will not live long as they are packed into tanks and not cared for too well because of their impending fate. You might want to give them back. Also what size is your tank? If it's 5 or so you could get a betta which are very colorful and easy to care for. If it's anything bigger you might wanna get a community of fish.

  3. I am unsure what these feeder fish are but I am guessing either gold fish or guppies. I need to know this before I can help sorry

  4. im not positive on what size the tank is

    but a betta is wonderful

    you can only put one in the tank

    nothing else

    bettas arent relly compatible with any other fish,



    neon tetras:

    best in groups(:



    hope this helps

  5. Fish you got are the fish mine eat !!! Get some african chiclids or if you want cheap fish get some tetras or barbs , discs and angels are nice looking, just make sure the fish you get are compatible just dont throw what ever in your tank, and get rid of those stupid feeder fish thats what they are FOOD for other fish !!!  

  6. Without knowing your situation (tank size, how long running, where in cycling you are), makes it hard to answer. I myself enjoyed, at an early stage of fish-keeping, zebra danios (or any colour variation of danio will do), a single male betta (never fought with anyone else), and some Harlequin rasboros (very pretty schoolers) . Farther along, I added some varieties of cory catfish, but this is ONLY when cycling  is complete. Cats in general are far too sensitive to endure the break-in/cycling process. They need a somewhat more matured tank.

  7. i am more for the african ciclids they do well they are as color full as saltwater fish and they are ok with high ammonia in the tank... but they will eat any live plants you put in there...also there is a rule of 1 in of fish per gallon..

  8. What size is your tank?? As you may see from other answers, people are struggling to really recommend anything without this very essential piece of info.

    As for the feeder fish, clarify whether these are guppies or common goldfish as this will also drastically alter what can be kept in the tank, if anything.

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