
What are easy methods to save electricity and be more enviro-friendly?

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I am aware of the our enviroment and that we should help it but how and what are some simple easy ways to reduce greenhouse gases?




  1. yeah i was bout to say go to that site lol


  2. What I do is this To save electricity:

    I replaced the old thermostats in my house by electronic ones. (one by one over time, because they are expensive but DEFINITELY worth it)

    I lower the temperature in the Winter by 2 degrees (so to 19 or 20 C) and one more degree when Im not home or at night. (It makes a big difference!)

    I set my hot water tank lower as well. I take shorter showers and changed my shower head for a "water-saver" (which costs about 10$ but uses less that 2.5 gallons of water per minute at 80pi, that's the standard you have to look for).

    When a light bulb burns, I replace it by a fluo-compact light.

    I dont leave the PC running all day or night, I only turn it on when I need it and turn it off after. I use sun light as much as possible and when it's dark, I only turn on the lights in the room Im in.

    In the Summer, I use a fan or nothing at all. I don't use an A/C and just enjoy the hot Summer months (I'm in Montreal Canada... hot is REALLY hot).

    I use the microwave to heat up food as oppose to the stove, I also use the toaster-oven to bake food like fries, chicken, or anything else that fits in it as oppose to the big over. I boil water in the kettle instead of on the stove.

    I don't use the dryer, I hang my clothes to dry outside or on hangers in the bathroom.

    Just to be more enviro-friendly:

    I bike to work (3KM) & walk to the shops when I can

    I bring my own reusable bad when I go shopping

    I recycle almost everything (my city picks it up on the curb)

    I compost when I can (in a small open bin with soil on my balcony -no, it really doesnt smell!!-)

    I try not to waste things. I give away what I dont need use anymore and is still good.

    I put two water bottles in my toilet tank so every time I flush, I save 1.5 litre of water without compromising the quality of the flush.

    At work, I use my own coffee mug instead of using a new styrofoam cup every time. I encourage people to do the same.

    Hope this helps..

  3. You can drive less, turn off your lights when you aren't in the room, buy less "things", and get some fruits and veggies organic and LOCAL. Check out this website for more suggestions. Once you start making the changes in your life, they become a habit!

  4. There are so many different things you can do in your everyday actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some great blog posts about that give green advice:

  5. there are lots of things you can do, most of them really easy and simple.  the tips here are pretty useful:

  6. You want an answer, but don't want a list?

    Stop eating meat.  Meat production is one of the largest pollution and greenhouse gas sources.

    Stop driving.  People who bike or walk don't emit any significant greenhouse gases, and are much healthier.

  7. You may be surprised at how much energy is being used with no benefit to the person paying for it. I recently decided to deal with my standby energy or vampire energy and it seems to be saving me between $50-$70 per month.

    I simply but a power switch near my 2 tv's and plugged in the tv, vcr and game system into it. When they aren't in use the swich goes off and nothing is using electricity. I also unplug all chargers when they aren't being used. I charge my electric toothbrush once a week. I unplug my laptop when not in use. I usually let it run on battery the last hour or 2 I have it on. My sons desktop and all of it's components are plugged into a battery backup, so when he shuts down his computer he flips the switch on the battery back up, why charge a full battery.

    The last 2 months utility bills have been $70 less than the same months last year. I've done other things to save energy, but most of the savings are from the above changes.

    Here is my standard going green blurb. I hope it's helpful.

    Going green is easy, there are so many great resources about the subject. My personal favorite is "The Green Book" which has parts of its book online as well at

    As I have been striving to "Go Green" I realize it is like stepping back in time without getting rid of my modern conveniences. I'm doing many things I learned as a child, like line drying my clothes, sweeping instead of vacuuming, opening the windows in the morning to catch the cool breeze, only buying what I need instead of everything that looks cool, growing some of my own food, and canning what I can't eat now.

    To me "going Green" is a frame of mind. Do what fits your lifestyle and do the easy things first, it is a process and like dieting if you go to radical to soon, you are more likely to go back to bad habits. I also believe there are good, better, best choices in most things. If you aren't ready to start a home garden, then try finding a farmers market, until you locate one look for produce grown as close to home as possible and go organic when available.

    Many people think "going green" is expensive, I disagree. Some changes may take an initial investment, but they usually have a short payoff time. Things like weatherstiping and insulation cost, but the energy savings will add up quickly. You may need to purchase reusable bags, but most stores give you a 5 or 10 cent credit, so you are paid back within a few months.

    My top tips are make your home more energy efficient, that also means using natural light, cooling and heating.

    Reduce your packaging, if you eat more fresh food you will generally reduce packaging, it's the same thing they tell dieters, shop the perimiter, that is where all the meat, dairy and produce are located. Only buy what you will use, many Americans throw away a lot of unused food. Buy in bulk, that doesn't just mean large packages, but that area with the bins that you buy only what you plan on using.

    Replace disposable items with durable items, if you eat outside often and use disposable paper or plastic plates, it is a wise investment to purchase a set of reusable plastic plates. Replace disposable razors, diapers and cleaning products like swiffer. Avoid bottled water, get a home filter like Pur or Brita.

    Recycle, will help you locate the nearest recycle center. I try to only purchase plastics that are #1 or #2, they are more easily recycled. I also buy recycled products when available, that includes paper towels, napkings, toilet paper, tissue, school/office supplies and clothing.

    Detox your cleaning, vinegar and baking soda clean almost anything, they can even losen a hair clog. Seventh Generation and Method are a couple mainstream brands that are very earth friendly.

    Just start small and build from there, don't get overwhelmed.

  8. We can start by turning off more lights and using batteries instead. It removes using more power. But we sould alos stop using cars or walk, bike, or if we HAVE to use cars we can use carpools. We can using more solar powered items too. When the government decides to put more resources into our lifestyle we can conquer over this problem

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