
What are economic uses of rainforests?

by  |  earlier

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Probably a really simple question but i cant seem to find any info on it.....




  1. there are places now where the government puts a tax on the people for the value rain forests represents .

    and this goes into the millions ,

    rain forests produce fresh (potable) water

    that goes into rain or to underground water supplies that feed the rivers

    so they keep the rivers flowing

    they absorb carbon and leave oxygen

    make soil

    supply the world with medicinal plants,and are the eco systems and homes of millions of species of animals ,plants ,insects and micro organisms.

    absorb the Suns heat during the day and release heat at night so they are instrumental with regulating the climate

    the bottom line is that with out rain forests or any forest humans would not be able to live on this planet

    half of the worlds forest have gone in 300 years

    And half of the rain forests in the last 50 years

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