
What are energy orbs?

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What are energy orbs?




  1. They're little balls of light people sometimes see and cameras occasionally capture.  Nobody knows what they are, though some might be swamp gas, ball lightning, reflections, or dust on camera lenses.

    As a rule scientists don't believe in orbs yet, as they once didn't believe in swamp gas and ball lightning.  [Possibly the most well-known occurrence of ball lightning in history reportedly killed 18th-century electricity researcher Georg Richmann when it struck him in the head.]

    On August 6, 1994 a ball of lightning went through a closed window in Uppsala, Sweden, leaving a circular hole with a diameter of 5 centimeters. The incident was witnessed by residents in the area, and was recorded by a lightning strike tracking system on the Division for Electricity and Lightning Research at Uppsala University.[11][12]

    An early attempt to explain ball lightning was recorded by Nikola Tesla in 1904,[26] but currently, there is no widely accepted explanation of what exactly ball lightning is. Several theories have been advanced, however, since the phenomenon was brought into the scientific realm by the French Academy scientist François Arago.[

    [edit] Black hole theory

    Yet another theory is that ball lightning is actually the passage of microscopic primordial black holes through the Earth's atmosphere. Inspired by accounts of ball lightning that had plowed a 90 meter trench across peat bogs in Ireland, Pace Vandevender, a plasma physicist at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, believes that no explanation other than a black hole with a mass of more than 20 tons could explain the displacement of the more than 100 tons of peat. His colleagues at the institute agreed that, crazy though the hypothesis seemed, it was worthy of their attention.[32]

    As you can see, orbs can probably be a lot of different things.  Some of those are recognized by science because they have 'tapped' science on the head, while others have not yet tapped them on the head.

  2. Energy orbs are the poor man's ghost.

    Unfortunately, most sites want you to believe they are a result of paranormal presence, don’t be fooled. Almost all orbs related photos taken are a result of dust, dirt, camera limitations.

    Real energy orbs are a natural phenomenal and rarely caught on film.

    Please feel free to hit up our web site for investigation request and questions.

    Oregon Paranormal Investigations

  3. They are exactly what you said, orbs are collections of energy. They occur naturally, but most paranormal investigators believe that there will be an increased number of them when a spirit is there. Some actually believe that the orb itself is a spirit "in it's truest form".

    I tried to find a good website for you, but most of the ones I could access here (at work) weren't as informative as I had hoped.

  4. belongs to mages.  They are use to fire energy missiles.

  5. Orbs are not signs of a haunting, they are mostly just energy, not a entity or spirit/ghost. I've never seen an orb manifest into any mist or apparition. In The 90's the revolution of digital images took place and thus bringing upon interest to paranormal investigation and research. The company Sony brought about night vision (ability to see and record pictures in darkness) which using them they started to notice new anomalous phenomenon Orbs. Thousands upon thousands these are loaded on the internet. Just about everyone with a digital camera would capture orbs. Analyzed by experts they started noticing that photos of orbs were occurring in places that were not haunted indoors and outdoors. Scientists would do experiments had thrown and blown dust or powder in front of cameras caught in the flash they gave convincing Orbs that looked exactly like those seen in many of the pictures that people search for photos all the time and look at on orb/ghost sites. Outdoors in misty conditions photos produce tens of thousands of orbs and rain produced many in photos as well. Moving Orbs seen on the night vision video are simply the result of the camcorder capturing a moving image of the dust or water droplets as they get carried past by the slight currents of moving air that are Moving Orbs are simply the result of moving currents of air and in one case an insect, dust , pollen etc. flying through the air .It goes to show that your common anomalous phenomena "Orbs" happens to be common things such as dust, bugs , rain , moisture etc. reflecting back the light of the flash and also to close to the lens.




    Lens Glare

    Sun Flare






    Change in Temp.

    Finger in front of Flash.

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~ ~

  6. Energy orbs are conceptual objects invented by people whose New Age zeal eclipses their understand of the universe.

  7. If you mean the ones that show up in photographs, they are small objects close to the lens, usually illuminated by the flash. Most often dust, they can also be water droplets, insects, spider webs, and a number of other small objects can cause the energy orb effect.

    Photographers have known about this for decades, but new agers started calling them ghosts, spirits, angels, and such things.

    I guess the assumption that new agers make is that every photo they take, no matter what the conditions is going to be a perfect photo, therefore any problems with the photograph must be due to the interference of spirits.

    Professional photographers know that lots of things can go wrong with photographs even if you know what you are doing. When I shoot a wedding, my expectation is that 8 out of 10 photos will be keepers. Before I had professional photography equipment, I expected 2 out of 10 to be keepers.
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