
What are everybody's opinions on gum chewing being allowed in school?

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What are everybody's opinions on gum chewing being allowed in school?




  1. If kids could be responsible with it, they could have it.  But they have issues with not spitting it on the floor, sticking it under desks, etc.

    Janitors work hard enough without having to pry gum off every surface.

  2. apparently it helps with concentration. so it's not all bad.

    however people need to put it in bins when they are finished!

  3. i think its a good idea

    it helps you think and stuff...

  4. It's not allowed in my school, but I think it should be.  Scientific research shows that gum helps you concentrate.

    Besides, gum never hurt anybody.

  5. its not aloud at my school but i think its so stupid. its not like you really have to concentrate that hard on chewing gum..idk, its silly

  6. As long as you don't abuse it, then I think it's perfectly acceptable. I always chew gum because it's like a stress reliever for me, I definitely feel calmer and less anxious when I chew gum!

  7. I don't think we should, being the middle schooler i am, because it can be a distraction when we are trying to learn.

  8. It's one of those things where a few idiots ruined it for the whole bunch.

  9. Why not? They aren't learning anything anyway.

  10. Let it happen.

  11. I think the new "gum chewing"

    is weapons, cell phones, S****y clothing, pierced faces and so forth.

  12. If people are going to be dumb and put their chewed up gum under desk and tables then, no, it shouldnt be let in school. However, if the youth of today can learn what a trash can is for, why not?

  13. I dont think there is anything wrong with it as long as it stays in the kids mouth. I mean, teachers who say no gum chewing usually chew it themselves.  i dont think its a big deal.

  14. My daughter actually did a science experiment on this topic.  In her study she was trying to prove that chewing gum enhances memory.  Her experiment concluded that, indeed, chewing gum does enhance your memory and therefore should be allowed in school to promote better performance.

    Now for those who put their used gum where they shouldn't at school....(That is the real reason schools don't allow gum.)

  15. I think its counterproductive if they expect kids not to smoke either.

    Besides, if nobody chewed gum in school, what degrading task would you make students do for detention?  Scraping gum off desks is like telling the kid "ok, you want to mess up in school?  THIS is how it feels to be a janitor!"

  16. I have no problem with it as long as it either stays in your mouth or in the trash can

  17. if you let kids chew gum, there wont be problems with it being stuck in random places. classes where gum is allowed are cleaner than where its not. its a form of rebellion when not allowed to chew whereas when you are there's no reason to not just throw it out. theres no reason to not allow it.

  18. As a highschooler, I think it is a definite positive for students, as long as they throw it away when they are done instead of putting it under desks or chairs or whatever....

  19. I say dont allow it because kids are not responsilbe enough to throw it away in the trash

  20. I suppose it works.

    I am a gum-chewer, so I have a bias in favor of it, but if it enhances memory, I see no problem with it.

    It is only a problem if it becomes a distraction.

  21. well i think its a big problem

    as long as you don't put it under your desk or on the floor

    Or get it in you instrument

  22. I believe the teachers do not like the way it is disposed of!

  23. By simply looking at it, gum chewing can never heard anyone. But however, doing so can simply distract someone easily as people tend to get bored in chewing and have the habit of making something fun out of it such as popping and snapping their gum. Or they would move the jaw and chew loudly as they get bored. To this point, it becomes distracting. So I believe it's more of a concern of distraction and then leading to people thinking you're disrespectful.

  24. Guns, Knives, Drugs, Gangs....................GUM????????

    Ya know what, chew on mcduff.

  25. I don't think it should formally be allowed, but I also don't think that teachers should waste their class time trying to enforce a rule that some kids may not follow.

  26. as long as u dun chew like a cow than its fine

  27. we should be aloud to

  28. Personally, I would prefer to chew gum.  However, I am responsible, and will take my gum and place it in a wrapper or piece of paper and throw it out.

    Unfortunately, not everyone is this conscientious.  So, a few people who just spit their gum out, put under the desk or table etc. ruin for everyone.  Gum is VERY hard to remove.

    But, maybe the kids can have a "scrape off all the gum" day once a week.  Then maybe you can get gum chewing privledges

  29. I think they so should allow it because it helps us concentrat. and they have us sitting there all day listening and being bored we need somthing to do

  30. chew it if you can do it with your mouth closed and WITHOUT popping those fing bubbles

  31. our school lets you...but in other schools id say most def. it helps me concentrate

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