
What are fast and easy meals for self feeding toddler?

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Working full time and being an inexperienced cook, I am having trouble cooking for my 14 month old. Are there any fast and easy tricks I can use to feed her? I want to feed her as healthy as possible.




  1. Lunchables has lil mini snackers now for toddlers and if she is a pretty well rounded eater you can do like little snack bags of sliced grapes, gold fish crackers, apple sauce, all beef or kosher hot dogs can be done in the microwave in under a minute and cut into small bites. Grilled cheese or pbj cut in squares. Peanut butter crackers, or if she likes peanut butter it's really good on apples, bananas, or celery. Just find a few things that work and mis it up so she won't get bored.

  2. Gerber makes like little TV dinners for them. They are called Gerber Graduates.  Its in the aisle with the baby food.  They come in a huge variety and very healthy for them.

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