
What are feelings on the Marines throwing the puppy of a cliff incident?

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What do you think about this? I'm in the military and I know most of the dogs over there are not like the dogs we have in the US. They're mostly nasty and varmin but I still feel that this is horrible and wrong! What do you think about the punishment they received?

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  1. cruel. what if he/she were a child. he should get fined and jail. the maximum law requires.

  2. It's deplorable and disappointing behaviour, especially from military personnel.  Due to the course of reprimand they face, I think they should feel glad that they are soldiers at war and not civilians at home.

  3. I believe Snopes declared that to be false.

  4. Its horrible that the Marine did that to a helpless animal and its also horrible that this Marine most likely wont get the medical help that he obviously needs. Its great they discharged him but what next?..back in the civilian population with no psychological evaluation.

  5. He misrepresented the military with his actions.  And he was stupid for making a video.  But this needs to be kept within military channels.  The media makes a mockery of everything it touches, and to be honest it is no body's business.

  6. Very sad.

  7. I would say that the marines involved had mental problems. Having said that however, we have more to worry about then the dog incident- there are U.S. troops getting killed daily over there- these are our son's and daughters, our mothers and fathers, someones brothers and sisters.Lives are lost on an unnecessary and unjustified war that has made the world a much more dangerous place then ever before.. Thanks to the gullibility of the congress and some completely fooled American citizens.

  8. the video is the only difference, this and worse happen over and over we in America don't hear about it, this is war and this is the reality of war

    the shooting of Pat Tillman is an other example of what happens in a war

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