
What are few important things to contribute to society and myself for a positive change?

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Thanks in advance for answering. Peace, Love and Blessings!




  1. Getting rid of the ego.

  2. [1:1]



    "Tell the truth in all things... and you will be a truthful man."

    Praise be to God.




  3. To think that global warming is more important than becoming a more loving person indicates why we are in the fix we are in.

  4. Listening can go a long way!

  5. Love the L-rd  your G-d with all you heart, soul and mind, and Love you Neighbor as yourself.

    Do unto to others as you would have done unto you.

    Be meek and peaceable with all without giving up your moral values.

    Stand up for truth and rightgeousness and don't wavier from it.

  6. The most important thing right now is to fight against global warming , everyone should do it for the better of the society

  7. there are many doors that have been opened for me because i found myself with too much time on my hands. i started to volunteer for various non-profits, never expecting to get paid, i did it first for myself but being able to give back to the community really made a big difference in my life. helping others before myself was a big positive change for me.-blurey

  8. In order for your life to be more peaceful, an attempt for peace in general should be the first priority.  And by this being the first priority, it must be used and practiced by all peoples starting with family, and friends, then community but on a national and even global level.  An understanding of peace, globally, would lead to a better time and a better humanity with intent to do good for those around them in order to maintain the peace within themselves.

    In peace. Josh

  9. 1st - know your self

    2nd - find peace with that

    3rd - treat your fellow man with kindness and consideration.

    4th - help fight global warming. You can't do anything if the house is on fire.

    5th - treat the world as if it was your bedroom. Have respect for it and all that it contains.

  10. Don't judge others until You have walked in their shoes.  Do what you can to stop polluting the planet.

    Smile more

    Be kind to an elderly person especially someone you do not know.  

    Do more kind deeds for people who at a disadvantage.  

    Think positive

  11. Try volunteer work.  Soup kitchens, nursing homes, animal shelters.  So many of these places need people who care.

  12. #1 Work on your own self. Try to be a better person by being selfless, honest, respectful, and hard working (no one likes a lazy person).

    Being charitable in all that you do. A smile, and a kind word is charity, and patience is a virtue.

    When you are a humble and overall good person, PEOPLE WILL BENEFIT FROM YOU!

  13. Teach by example. Put your integrity and your honor before your pride. Admit your mistakes, do the right thing and take your licks. At this point, this is so rare that it can have a dramatic effect on those who witness it.

    It's hard...even impossible for many because it takes courage. But it's what we have to do. Trying to fix the stuff outside ourselves is what got us where we are. We have to fix ourselves. If we fix ourselves, the world will right itself.

  14. contribute to yourself first and last always then you can share...otherwise you giving away that which you do not have, yet...that leads to clarity anyway, just matter of time....or, in another words, contribute to society Peace Love and Blessing ...if you truly have plenty of those for yourself, otherwise the seemingly positive question nothing else but a form of another ego trip

  15. Elect a President who is by the people, for the people. Not a President who is by the corporation, for the corporation.

  16. give of yourself  volunteer at the VA or anyplace where you can be of some help   help with causes aimed at the environment  be nice to people you meet everyday  smile  give to the less fortunate   charity begans in the heart

  17. Open yourself up to the happiness that surrounds you. Then spread that happiness around. ;)

    *~Peace Love Happiness & Blessings to you too.

  18. Starting with your self, live a healthy life filled with challenges that you approach with happiness and joy.

    Looking out to others, seek ways to care for others and challenge others to join you in that caring.

    Finally endeavor to approach the unknown and the future like long lost friends.

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