
What are fighting words to you?

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What are fighting words to you?




  1. "Yo momma"

    Themz fightin words!!


  2. None really. Maybe if someone spoke against my deceased mother.

    I really wouldn't be responsible for the outcome. That's all I can say.

  3. mess with my sisters kids and you are in for one major league a*s whipping!!! or call me a pu**y!!

  4. The C.U.Next.Tuesday Word & When A Boy Tells Me He Can Drive Better Then Me.

  5. "Start now, or wish you had. "

    "Live in the moment, and take a chance."

  6. Sentences that are nothing, but true.

  7. bring it byatch

  8. Someone demanding my remote control.


  9. Im sorry sir, but that was the last twinkie.

  10. really anything... you don't even need to say something to me to make me fight, I know it's sad, but I guess I have a lot of anger..

  11. I'm in a fantasy football league. The s**+ t talking is voluminous, so long ago words lost the ability to trigger a fight for me.  ;-)  Actions, well now that's different!

  12. Any bullying, demeaning or cruel words aimed at a defenseless third party who's unable to fight back.

    And if that third party happens to be a child...hopefully I'll get out on bail.

  13. no

  14. Anything about my kids!

  15. wukka wukka

  16. Calling me "Stupid".  I can not stand for anyone to call me stupid.  Call me crazy or anything, but not stupid.  

  17. I'm not a violent man.I would rather hear you say ,"come and get it"

  18. There's nothing you can say to make me want to fight you babe.  I'm a lover not a fighter where you are concerned.

  19. I'm not much of a fighter but intentionally hurtful words or insults will make me walk away.

  20. oh man why you had to go there

    just your words "fighting" got to me lol

    I just got SO mad yesterday cause i found

    out my ex was calling my sister. Having lived

    past experiences with my bf's cheating on me with

    my sisters makes me so angry when they call them behind my

    back. So there i go at midnight last night to his house " this is the time he called her, i stayed the night at her house cause of some personal stuff" and his @$$ did not come out. I think he got sared cuase i sho was going to blow hisDick off. lol Just kidding. But yeah he did not come out, so i went at my lunch break and sure enough his lazy @$$ was there and i told him to watch himself. My anger had went down since yesterday so i wasn't to angry anymore, but i did tell him a thing or two. And go figure he did not even say nothing to me. okay i think this answer is tooooooooooo long i am ending it now lol

  21. Your mama


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