
What are foods i can eat to bust my metabolism?????

by  |  earlier

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i know hot sauce and mustard but what else and will salsa work




  1. well,im not sure if youre doing this now, but if youre not, you need to eat smaller meals.about six of them a day.doing this makes you not as hungry and not eat so much.if you have 3 a day it will slow down your metabolism 6 small meals a day.make sure there healthy foods.drinking water and green tea help speed it up.

    make sure to exersize about 3-6 times a week,1 or 2 sessions for 20-45 minutes.

    good luck!

  2. I am afraid this whole concept is just another urban myth. If you want to increase your calorie usage, you just have to do more exercise!

  3. take metabolism vitamins.

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