
What are fossil fuels?how does the sun's energy get stored in fossil fuels? ?

by Guest60284  |  earlier

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again science homework!i need answer fast!!!




  1. fossil fuels are the compressed remains of dead plant matter from thousands of years ago. the plants got their energy from the sun, they used photosynthesis to convert it in to a chemical form of energy to use. when the plants died and where buried the pressure and added heat turned them into fossil fuels. when we burn fossil fuels that chemical energy is being converted to heat and light energy.

  2. the sun's energy stored in fossil fuels is the photosynthesis of plant and animal matter that has died, deposited, decomposed, buried, heated and compressed to undergo chemical reactions to form the HCs.

    NB plankton is photosynthetic

  3. The sun's energy causes a chemical change in things on earth.  To accurately explain it you should look up quantum physics and realize that energy can be stored in an electron.

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