
What are fossils? please mention on the below topics.?

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give brief idea about history,occurence, importance and others




  1. Is this your homework? You should listen in class. They are the remains of animals or plants imprinted in rock or mud. They are very old. They are important because they tell us about what lived on the Earth tens of thousands of years ago.  

  2. Fossils are bones of pre existant organisms. i.e, animals that life a LONG time ago.

  3. fossils are petrified bones dried up in mud witch becomes a rock in the earth  

  4. Any traces of animals or plants from the past.

    - Petrified bones or trees, are fossils.

    - Footprints (after mud became rock) and any organism printed in the rock are fossils too, even when the organism has been dissolved.

    Mud can also been molded inside a clam or a snail or an egg.

    - Amber is fossil resin, sometime, amber contains some insects captured by the sticky resin

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