
What are free-radicals? What kind of foods are they found in? Why are they good/bad?

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What are free-radicals? What kind of foods are they found in? Why are they good/bad?




  1. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction, like dominoes. Their chief danger comes from the damage they can do when they react with important cellular components such as DNA, or the cell membrane.

    To prevent free radical damage the body has a defense system of antioxidants.

    Reason for WHY they are bad:

    The "Free Radical" is the source for virtually all disease, illness and aging itself!  

    the most common form of dangerous free radicals is OXYGEN.  In other words, we must have oxygen to live, and breathe it in all the time.

    Free radicals are d**n near impossible to escape - you can thank pollution, pesticides, cigarette smoke (secondhand and otherwise) and sun exposure, for starters.

    Since oxygen is the most common type of free radical (there are others, too), the method of neutralizing all free radicals has taken on the name "anti" "oxygen" or "anti-oxidant."  These substances are ONLY against the free radical form of oxygen.

    There are substances which neutralize free radicals.  The best known is probably Vitamin C, Selenium and Pine Bark extract, or grape seed extract but there are others also.  The most powerful is a new substance called Microhydrin.  The difference in power between Microhydrin and any other anti-oxidant is enormous -- it is a factor of thousands of times more effective than any other anti-oxidant, or free radical fighter.

    to know HOW these free radicales are formed, you may refer to:

    "Food" is NOT a source of Free Radicals.

    Rather, Food is a source of Anti oxidants, which "control" over the free radicals.

    for more details about those foods, you may check the following link:

    hope this helps..

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