
What are frequencies and what purpose do they serve for the Jinn?

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Marz - Ghosts or Spirits are english for the arabic word Jinn.. same thing.




  1. whats your point?

    yes, a frequency is how fast a signal(wave) period is repeating itself through time.

    frequencies are measured in Hz (Hertz).

  2. I know they talk about frequencies for ghosts, but never have I heard frequencies doing anything with Jinn.

    Frequencies are calculated in wave lengths, a measure of the number of occurences of a repeating event ie- radio waves, or even wireless for present.

    Music can also be calculated in frequency.

    Don't think they serve any purpose for Jinn though...

    edit; .... okayyy....

  3. Ana kaboot the frequencies are high, i could not measure it!!

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