
What are fun, creative ways to entertain kids on a plane ride?

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I have two kids, ages 3 and 9. we have a 9-hour plane ride to Minnesota next week, and i want to bring some special things to keep them busy on the flight. any ideas besides stuffed animals and coloring books and crayons? we have a dvd player, I'm bringing that. thx! :]




  1. some good ideas would be:

    bring a couple of new movies they havent seen yet maybe one they have been asking for for a while or really want to see

    go to the dollar store ahead of time and pick up a few new toys so that every hour or so you can give them a new toy to keep them occupied

    bring plenty of there favorite snacks

    maybe take your 9 year old to the book store to pick out a new book to read

    uno, old maid, or even regular cards are fun

    a pack of stickers can keep a kid entertained for a while also

    play i spy

    you can bring puzzles with big pieces that will fit on the trey in front of you

    also dont be afraid to get up and walk 9 hours is a long time for kids that young to sit still

    dry erase boards would be fun so that you dont have to bring a million pieces of paper

    *a change of clothes is probably not a bad idea just in case  

  2. Purchase some small, quiet toys and let them be "new" for the trip.  Some ideas are dolls (especially rag dolls), matchbox cars, miniature etch a sketch.  

    If the 9 year old, or yourself, has an iPod, that might keep him/her occupied for a good amount of time.  What about a gameboy or similar game?  

    Books!  Take them both to the library and/or bookstore and let them choose a few books-there are some that have wipe off pages with various activities, that could be appropriate for both ages.

    Check Target's auto accessories aisle.  I got this tiny Atari thing that would hook right up to your DVD player.  Each one has two or three games on it, and they were very inexpensive.  Great for travel!

    I hope this helps, and I hope you have a wonderful trip!

  3. I had to do that before. My children where 1 and 6 and it wasn't easy. Deffinetly bring along some toys that entertain with the hands. For instanse a mini game of "Connect Four", "puppets" are good, "Memory"card game easy enough for the 3 year old, little match box cards or plastic animals ext....Bring the entertainment in a bag and keep it a saprise and try to draw out each thing as long as possable. Bring some snacks and juice because they will get hungry and you can also use it as an award for good behavior as well as promising an award for good behavior at the end of a the trip. As much as possable when the "seat belt"sign is off you can walk them around , back and forth to the bathroom if you have too, to keep them from going stir crazy. My saving grace was the lady that sat next to me,she helped entertain, so also try to make friends with the people next to you. Have a nice trip and remember -"Whens the last time you had 9 hours just to sit with your kids" Use it as an advantage or blessing in descise to get to know them better and bond.

  4. Youre in luck! My family and I had just recently been to Phoenix with my 2 kids they are girls so I dont know if I will help that much If your children are boys!

    - read a book < be sure YOU read to THEM cause they might get carsick and upchuck

    - If possible bring along a laptop and log on to it has many kidfriendly games

    - Make up a story

    - if they have, bring along a Gameboy SP or A nintendo DS

  5. um try some magnetic board gamers, you can get them from the doller store. Theres probly lots of little toys at the doller store that you can get.  lol 9 hrs! good luck ;)

  6. Dolls,coloring book,game-boy,books,story tales,mini magnetic board games,diary,dry erase board,snacks,and paper dolls. hope you and your kids have a great time!

  7. Bring paper and pencil and write a story about what you'll do when you reach Minnesota.

    Of course, they'll probably want to sleep a little bit too. =]

    If they have any small things like leapfrog devices, those are good to bring.  Most likely you'll have more trouble with the three year old.

    Gameboys and Nintendo DS's are always a good time killer too. Bring simple crafts like origami or one of those latch hook projects.  And remember to try and limit supplies so you can get through security!

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