
What are fun tasks that are impossible to do. (To win some bets on)?

by Guest59991  |  earlier

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Like cracking an egg in your palm, and eating 6 saltine crackers in a minute.




  1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.

    Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.  Your foot will change directions.

  2. Patting your head and rubbing your tummy in circular motions.

    Laying down on your back, and pretend you are riding a bike, only one foot goes backward in a circle and the other forward in a circle.

    Twitching because you are waiting for a long time for the camera to take a picture.

    Using you non-dominant hand instead of your dominant hand for a whole day.

    Chugging down eight glasses of water in half an hour or shorter.  (But no more, people can die from drinking too much water, this woman who entered a contest to win a wii for her kids, in which she had to drink a lot of water in a certain amount of time, had died).

    Making a proper sentence with all the letters of the alphabet used, that is correctly spelled with no grammar errors.  ALL letters must be used once only, and each vows can be used twice only (to make it easier)  or just once...depending on what you want.

  3. truly understanding females.

    Drinking a gallon of milk in one hour

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