
What are fun things to do at a sleepover?

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movies dinner games ect.




  1. we went to walmart and got cheap hanes tshrits and tie dyed them.Painted nails and the old movies is wonderful idea sixteen candles and cry baby ,hairspray etc.another thing we use to do with the girls is make toothbrush take twizzers and pull out the hairs and let them melt til they bend in boiling water(seventeen or red book had it in their magazine)..the vicortias secret ones didnt work last time we tried to do those..but the oral b(brand) w pictures like barbie etc did work...

    sons 14 and he does rock band.wii,and guitar hero..those are for the boys,air hockey table etc.

  2. prank call people, rent movies and have a movie all depends on how old you are...and if your willing to get into a little trouble if you get cought ;)

  3. watch scarey movies! im 22 and thats still fun to me

  4. Board games



    truth or dare

    what if or would you rather questions or both

    Set up an ice cream bar, get chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream and some toppings. Sprinkles, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and marachino cherries and have everyone make their own sundaes. You can get the waffle cone bowls at the grocery store.

    Get tons of snacks and chips, etc.

    Watch movies

    Do crafts

    Take advantage of the summer weather! Go out and play volleyball, do relay races like potato sack races, three legged races, etc.  Have a bbq and hang out and have fun!

    You can do make-overs and do manicures and pedicures on each other.

    You can pick some movies and watch some movies. Make enough popcorn that each person gets their own bowl and then pass around some candy to share with each other.

    For dinner, eat whatever your favorite foods are, if that's pizza, send out for pizza, if it's tacos, set up a taco bar, if it's bbq, do burgers and hot dogs.  Have whatever it is you and your friends like, it's your sleepover and it's time for you to have fun, have the foods that are your favorites!

    For the what if and would you rather games, ask each guest to come up with 5 questions, whether they're fun, silly, serious, whatever and bring them to the party.  Then you can either all answer the questions or put them in a hat and just answer the ones you choose.  Some examples are:

    If you could have one super power for a day what would you choose and why?

    If you could spy on one person for a day, and hear and see everything they're doing and saying, but they have NO clue you're there, who would you choose and why?

    If you could have one talent that you don't already possess, what would it be, and why?

    Would you rather wear the same clothes out for a week or run up and down the street naked for an hour?

    If given the chance at a $5,000 shopping spree, BUT the rules were either YOU work for it and earn it and then YOU would shop for the clothes yourself a YEAR later, OR you could get the spree NOW, BUT your parents would go without you and pick out all the clothes they like and would want you to wear, which would you choose?

    Would you rather go somewhere where no one speaks English, but they are wonderful to you, or go somewhere where everyone speaks English, but they are very rude to you?

    Would you rather go somewhere you hate with your loved ones, or go somewhere you love all alone, by yourself?

    If you could live INSIDE of any sitcom show, which one would it be, and what character would you be?

    What would you say is your most valuable possession and why?

    You and your friends can come up with SO many more questions that will be more fun for you.  

    You can also play a game where you stand in a circle and pass a ball around, throwing it to everyone in the circle, it doesn't matter what order, the object of the game is to keep the ball in the air, whoever drops the ball is out.  Whoever is left standing wins!  

    I hope some of these help and that you and your friends have a great time at your sleepover!!

  5. are you male or female and what ages

  6. play truth or dare

    play spin the bottle

    tell ghost stories

    play light as a feather stiff as a board

    do makeovers!

    watch movies (complete with popcorn/junk food!)

  7. ok well let the guests make there own cup cakes or bake a cake 2gether...also set out a topping bar for everyone. after that rent scary movies and play truth or dare. you can also make milkshakes and play lots of games

    hope i helped

  8. talking with friendsssss

  9. -play i never

    -get dressed up take funny pictures, not dirty ones!

    - pizza

    -scary movies are the best

    -build a tent

  10. if u r a girl--no mirror maheup game which is where u have 5 min 2 put on ur makeup without a mirror and the person with the worst makeup wins and the p***e game u list unique things that a girl might have in her purse and the girl that has the most things on that list wins

  11. at a sleep over i think that it would be fun for a make over on playing with hair and nails also you can do art's and crafts like posters, cards, or just best friend items you can make one for one another also do bracelets, necklace's made out of beads also you can have a movie, or even the board game like i think there is one that is called mall or something like that ..... let me know what you think thank you

  12. You should have a fun inexpensive theme, like 80's night you can rent sixteen candles, pretty in pink, etc. and get some cheap make up like baby blue eyeshadow flavored lip gloss and do an 80's makeover and and you can add some 80's music like pat benatar and blondie and dancing and you got a great party. The 80's theme is always fun for everyone. (just to tell you this would probey only work for girls.)

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