
What are fun things to do on a 10 hour air plane ride to germany?

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i think it's going to be like 8-10 hours...

i leave to germany on monday :)




  1. You could get puzzle books like crossword, word search, or sudoku. Coloring books and activity books. Magazines. A novel to read. (Mary Higgins Clark books are long and interesting to pass the time with) A portable DVD player and movies. An ipod with tons of music on it. Or sleep.

    Have a safe trip!

  2. Ask the stwardess for tape. When she asks why, say "its for my device"

    Get in the crash position for the whole flight, and when someone asks you what you're doing say "waiting"

    when they tell you to turn off your electronics yell "How am I supposed to detonate it if I cant turn it on!!?"

    Smile at another passenger for 20 minutes, then say loudly "Im wearing new socks"

    Go in the washroom and refuse to come out

    Steal the free nuts while people are looking, and pretend to be really pleased you got away with it

    Nagg people into reading the safety instructions card

    Tell everybody to switch to ____ channel because something funny is on (On those little TV's in the seat)

    Eat someones food when they arent looking, and claim it was someone sitting a few rows down from you.

    In the middle of the flight, loudly count down "5, 4, 3, 2, 1...."

    and see peoples reactions

    Tell the person sitting beside you that "I can see my house from here" every 5 minutes

    Bring a blow-up cushion and fight it

    Eat a cookie, and then ask you fellow passengers if they want some. Then say "TOO BAD!" attempt to throw it out of the window and act embarresed when it hits the glass and falls down.

    Keep bugging someone in the washroom into coming out (I did this once, and every time the "lock" thing went off I went back to my seat. It was good fun)

    Insist that you saw a UFO the entire flight, bug people like CRAZY with it, then when you land say "OHHHHHH, nevermind, it was a bird"

    People usually clap when the plane lands (why????), instead, Boo and insult the pilot.

    Kick  the seat infront of you, and lean back into the people behind you.

    Insist that there is a gremlin on the wing.

    Accuse the passenger next to you of watching pornography on their mini telivision

    Steal the cart and pretend to be a host/hostess

    Yell "BOOOM" at the top of your lungs when everything is really quite

    When someone asks to go past you to get into the isle for the washroom or something, refuse

    Well, hope you have fun and dont get arrested for criminal interferance and disorderly conduct on a plane!

  3. I always try to have a travel guide for the country I'm going to in my carry-on luggage, as well as post-it stickers and a pen. Then I can read and make notes to myself about what to do, where to go etc.

    If you speak some German, you may want to download some German audiobooks or German music to listen to on the trip and get in the mood. The same is true for a book in German or at least by a German author.

  4. every hour think the plane might crash........on the 11th hour you're relieved

  5. here is what i do on long-haul trips:

    - i-pod

    - books

    - magazines

    - word searches

    - buy a neck pillow for like 15$ at CAA. the ones that blow up. trust me, you will sleep !

    have a good time!

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