
What are fun things to do when you pull an all nighter???

by  |  earlier

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hey my friend and i are trying to pull an all nighter but we're bored and dont kno wat to do help!!!




  1. My friends and I do scrapbooking together all night! Helping each other come up with ideas for pages and between a glaass of wine and gossiping, the night flys way too fast. OR making greeting cards with Rubber Stamps or stickers and cardstock...Doing homemade cards at the Holidays is a great time and special thing to do with friends.

    Try this and have fun!

  2. watch movies/tv. listen to music. hang out outside the house ie in the yard drinking (depends on your age of course) hmm or just talking, you can also call boys and talk to them all nite.  

  3. search the internet, chat with people online and phone, board games, video games, and check the TV to see if there are any movie/show marathons on, they usually last all night long.  

  4. Milk choaring!!

    (Go around where u live and steal peoples milk off there doorsteps) haha so funny thats only if your doing an alnighter like sleeping rough doe?

  5. Well here in NY where i live,it's 1:38 am so you can feed my cat,PLEASE SHUT HER UP!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Nice! The longest I've ever made it to was 7 am! (but it doesn't count since I was in an airport....or does it?)

    Anyways, normally when I stay up late, I find that just "surfing the net" works. What do I mean? Just look around in pages like youtube and even yahoo answers! Start off with a simple topic or video, no matter how boring it is. After that, look in the sidebar for a something similar to that topic. Keep doing that and eventually you'll be exploring a whole topic (or a lot of topics) without even knowing it.

    Also, listen to music while you do it! I find it helps.

    Hoped I helped!

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