
What are fun things to do when your grounded?

by  |  earlier

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help im about to rip my hair out




  1. Do what you can around the house to make your parents glad that they didn't go with Plan A and drown your disobedient @ss

  2. read a book [i love 2 read]

    ask 2 go to the library that way u can get out. :P

    sneak on a portable video game.


    take myspace pics.

    go 2 sleep [a personal favorite]

    u could always work out [get a sexi six pack:P]

    can u go online?!?!?! [dude the web is unlimited fun!]

  3. Read a book,maybe learn how to stay out of trouble so you don't get grounded in the first place.

  4. uh. nothing. thats the point of being grounded.

    but if you got anything to catch up on, nows the time.

  5. I don't know if you think this is fun but its what I always did...

    Cleaned and rearranged my room....

    Drew some pictures/made up a poem

    Got online....when I was allowed

    Take a nice long bath

  6. clean your room

    chat on myspace

    take a nap




  7. listen to music

    play on comp all day

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