
What are gas prices supposed to be from now to december????

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What are gas prices supposed to be from now to december????




  1. 1million dollars

    ha ha xd i love austin powers

  2. Whatever it is, it'll be too much!  We've started growing our own corn...

  3. They won't be coming down, that's for sure.

  4. probably not up to a 50 cent increase is what I am guessing.

  5. Price of oil fell $16 in the last three days of trading on  the NMX.  The reason will be disputed offered. There should a five to seven cent drop next week.  If you have the luxury of delaying a fill up, you should save a small amount of money vs. this week. The Green Movement make direct the Democratic candidates to sign a pledge to allow no additional lands for drilling that can be reached during our lifetime.  Onshore of offshore.

  6. According to many market analyst, it will be coming down.  I have my fingers crossed and hoping by Christmas it will be down to $100 a barrel or less.

  7. "Supposed to be"??!  Heck, if any of Us knew THAT- we'd take it to Vegas & lay Our Bets on the Gambling tables!!! Your Guess is as GOOD as mine...  -Just don't count on it coming down much, -that's all...  :(

  8. The forecast is for them to steadily rise. Probably up to near .20 cents up.

    That is a relatively low increase, given the past history of oil, but that accounts for the less driving that people do in the winter, and Oil companies subsidizing prices to keep demand up.

    But hey, thats just me being optimistic. Maybe it will zoom zoom up to 9 dollars a gallon.

  9. With demand going down for gas and with the added pressure from the people, congress has opened up ANWR for test drilling, and leased sites for extraction of oil. These two developments will drop the price of oil significantly. I would say, by December the price of gas will be at 3 dollars / gallon.

  10. $2 a litre when the US invades Iran and about $20 a litre after that $80/gallon US.  Learn how to compost manure to run your car.

  11. Good question. Probably around $5.50. I feel they will drop after the election.

  12. arm,leg, and your first born child...

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