
What are good 'brain foods'?

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What are good 'brain foods'?




  1. the only brain food i know of is fish  

  2. Oily fish - e.g. pilchards, salmon, sardines, mackerel

  3. Fish of all kinds.From cod to oily ones containing the healthy essential omega-3 oils for healthy hearts aswell as brains. Fishes which contain these are mackarel,tuna and salmon.

  4. blueberries

  5. Good brain foods are foods that are high in proteins, complex carbohydrates and good fats so things like fish high in Omega-3 oils, oatmeal, whole eggs, chicken, almonds, beef, pork, turkey, etc.  These are things that will keep your blood sugar at an even level thus making your brain work more efficiently.


  6. brain foods??? lol

    just plenty

    of vitamins and things

    which you get from

    lots of fruit

    and veg.

    makes you concentrate

    alot more at work/school/college/uni etc etc

  7. oily fish is good brain food apparantly

  8. almonds and eggs

  9. fish,nuts, and M&M's :)

  10. almonds

  11. Plenty of fish!

  12. nuts especially almonds and eggs!! my favorite eggs are boiled eggs but i think scrambled eggs are best 4 your brain!! everynite i have brain boosting vitamins i no u think its 4 little kids but its really good for your brain!!! :)

  13. Fish

  14. Oily fish

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