
What are good Categories for a 25th Birthday Awards Party?

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I am turning 25 in May, and I wanted to have a themed party. I decided that since I am a lot of drama, that I want to have an Oscar type theme with awards for my friends, but I am having problems coming up with categories. Any ideas would help me a lot.




  1. umm

    most likely to be in trouble

    best dressed

    best friend

    stuff like that

    but idk

  2. throw a party with blackjack and hookers.. in fact forget the party and the blackjack....

  3. Longest in the Bathroom

    Quickest to get Drunk

    Last Under the Table

    Longest Thank-you Speech

    Shortest Thank-you Speech

    to name but some

  4. Oldest female/male friend

    Best female/male friend

    Female/male whom who have been friends with the longest

    Who traveled the farthest


    Most giving(charities etc.)

    Best drinker

    Most stylish

    Best cook

    Best baker

    Nicest car

    Most children

    Who got married first

    I hope a few of these help,happy birthday!My birthday is in May as well,but I have a few years on you.

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