
What are good Christmas or birthday presents for you horse?

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What are good Christmas or birthday presents for you horse?




  1. I get all my horses "Stud Muffin" horse treats. Its basically molasses and oats in a yummy horse mixture. I myself like making a "salad" on christmas day. You take carrots, apples, sugar and salt and mix it all together (amounts of each up to you but easy on the sugar).

    Dont make it the size of a full meal, more like a couple big spoon fulls into their morning breakfast/snack.

  2. i made my horse a birthday cake! just take grain, mollasses, carrots, apples, peppermints (or any treat they like) and mix it up with melted marshmellows. then for frosting mix baking soda and plain yogurt! otherwise things like a new halter, polo wraps, saddlepad, other treats, things like that, or you could just give him the day off and groom him and let him have grass or just chill in the arena, stuff like that

    i also decorated my horses stall

  3. The best I've ever heard is the owner came out in the morning, got a bucket and put a sign on it that said "It's my birthday, please feed me a carrot" Then put a whole bunch of carrots inside the bucket and put it in front of the horses stall.

    I thought this was a super cute idea especially at a busier barn because then her horse got treats all day long!  

  4. apples, carrots or dried treats intended for horses

  5. hmm... i haven't really looked into Christmas's and i got my horse when she was 15, so i don't know her bday.

    But for halloween i plan on making her a pumpkin treat.

    You take a pumpkin, empty it all out, then put a bunch of treats in it. Like oats, sweet feed, apples, carrots, Cinnamon sticks, things like that. Put the top back on and give it to the horses.

    There suppose to have a fun time trying to get to the treat. I haven't tried it yet though.

  6. A new halter or rug, special treats, a colourful saddlepad. Stuff like that.

  7. Stud Muffins horse cookies


    My horse got shipping boots for his last birthday, but I don't think he liked them all that much.  

  8. HAY!!



  9. Monagramed saddle pads :)

    Custom Halter

    New Blanket

    Homemade horse treats

  10. Food. Your horse will love you even if you dont give her/him a present.

  11. Birthday:


    new tack

    a loving fun ride with owner


    new blanket



    bit warmer (kinda more for you but nice for the horse)

    hope i helped

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