
What are good bars in NYC that don't card minors?

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I'm looking for some bars in NYC that havea good atmosphere and aren't very strict on ID. Places that you have personal experience wouldn't hurt. If you have any idea of places that don't really card, lemme know!




  1. Forget about that in the City....try the outlying boroughs (Staten Island, Brooklyn, Bronx and Queens).  Most places anywhere will card you, unless, perhaps, if you are with a group of people who are older than you...and you look quite a bit older than your age.

    A lot of the bars used to let it slide, until sting operations were causing their businesses to be fined and sometimes closed down...

  2. Ask a cop. They will gladly tell you where you can get a fake ID along with a fine and time in jail, where as thanks for being a moron, you are encouraged to drop the soap.

  3. I'm pretty sure they all ID people.

  4. All GOOD bars card minor because no adult wants to hand out with drunk teenagers.

  5. None in Manhattan after 8pm.  However, if you slip in before that time (before the doormen arrive) then you'll have better luck as long as the bartender doesn't card you (which they do sometimes as well).  Otherwise, you could possibly get away with it at some of the smaller taverns in Brooklyn or Queens.  But, you don't wanna get caught because it'll be very embarrassing if they kick you out.

  6. I just have this strange feeling they don't want to be advertised on the internet.  I don't know of any.

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